No money for clothes for yourself or your children? Kledingbank Limburg is ready for you!
Here you can read what you can do to choose clothes at Kledingbank Limburg. Always contact a Referrer from the Clothing Bank first. They will assess whether you are entitled to a referral. You can only make an appointment with a referral.
At Kledingbank Limburg you can only go with a referral. Without a referral you cannot make an appointment with us.
Once you have a referral, call our appointment line between 9:00 and 12:00: 06 – 21 29 32 56. You can also send us an email: Add your referral letter for your details. Our employees will schedule an appointment for you as soon as possible.
Bring your referral and valid ID. For all persons listed on the referral, we check the name and date of birth on an ID.
You should bring a large shopping bag or garbage bag for each family member.
If you need to reschedule or cancel an appointment, please call our appointment line between 9:00 and 12:00: 06 – 21 29 32 56. Or send us an email up to 24 hours in advance.
All clothing can be tried on in our store. If you are unsure about your child’s clothing size, bring a piece of clothing that fits well now. You can then compare this with the selected clothing items.
Stichting Kledingbank Limburg
St. Joosterweg 7
6051 HE Maasbracht
Algemeen: 0475 – 43 60 08
KvK: 12059642
IBAN: NL68 RABO 011 58 99 766
BTW: 815664746B01